Students along with their teachers are required to attend school assembly for prayers punctually and regularly.
Book & Stationery
Students must bring their prescribed test books and stationery to school according to their daily class time table.
we expect our students to be courteous friendly depenable, loyal obedient respectful tolerant and UPRIGHT at all time in and outside the school.
Students are required to attend school and all its functions neatly dressed as per prescribed uniform, unless permitted otherwise.
All students must appear for the scheduled examination.
Regular payment of fees as per schedule will helps us avoid any unpleasantness at the time of an examination or when the promotion result are declared.
Within our present facilities we organise classwise games. P.T. Drills Yoga, Inter House and inter school matches and tournaments. All students must participate in the physical Education programmes of the school, Unless example on medical grounds.
Health and Hygiene
A healthy mind in a healthy body should be the aim of every student. All students must observe personlas as well as community health rules. The dustbins procided all over the compus must be used to keep the school premises clean.
Indentity card
All students are required to bring their Identity cards to school regularly.
Students ae not allowed to wear any kind of jewellery with school uniforms.
Students must develp the habit of reading to widen their knowlege and to keep pace with the fast changing world of knowledge.Good books magazines, periodicals etc are available in the school library for the students to read in the school or borrow as per rules.
Lost & Found
Students are expected to take good care of their books and personal belongings. it is advisable not to bring money and valuable articles to school. The school is not responsible for articles lost. However lost articles found in the school premises be deposited in the school office and must be claimed immediately.
Money Collection
Rasing money in school without the knowledge and permissin of the principle and exchange of articles or money transaction between students or staff are never allowed.
Important notices are occasionally sent to parents or guardians their wares we expect our students to be dependable and see that the massage in delivered of the parents/guardian immediately.Each child is greeted on his/her birthday with in certain limitatioin. children up to class II are greeted with their respective class-teacher usually in the last period with various items like jokes, songs and ther chorus song Happy birth day to.... He/she then distributes sweets or toffees in his/her class. on the occasion of birthday the child/students is allowed to come to school in his/her desired but reasonable clothes other than school uniform.
Students must take care of th school property procided for their use nad benefit.Electric lights, fans and taps should be turned of when not in use, and damage to the building furniture equipment apparatus books etc. wll have to be made good.
Reports on the students's attendance application conduct and progress are issued after each examinatioin students are expected to take their own progress reports home for their parents to check sign and return to the class teachers on due dates students should not temper with the reports.
Any alteration or correction of errors will be made by the eoncerned teacher and brought to the knowledge of the principal.